Typical over-stretched leather on chairs.

Typical example of over-stretched leather on aircraft leather seats.

There are special measuring instruments for checking the differences in the height of wrinkles, the level of sag and dents. Before measuring, the cushion is loosened and flattened. Therefore, the criteria are not always clear and the results of these tests are not always comprehensive enough for the customer.
Over-stretched and saggy leathers are a major source of customer complaints. Over-stretched leather makes the leather sag. In such cases, the leather is subjected to significantly higher wear and tear and breaks/tears more quickly due to friction caused by daily use. Besides, over-stretched leather and wrinkles are unattractive. Given the level of ambiguity surrounding these methods and the lack of standard testing mechanisms and processes, customers should always seek advice from a neutral expert in case of any disputes.
In the example below, a leather consultant appointed by the court decided that these folds were permissible. The sofa set was only a few months old. If customers saw such pictures before buying, it's unlikely that they would proceed with the purchase.

It is unbelievable that such over-stretched leathers are deemed acceptable by leather experts on almost new furniture.

Dents and creases in car seats

Also in the case of car leather, the driver's seat often changes with time. The entry side and side bolster are often pushed as the driver gets in and out while, in the seat area, the leather gradually stretches, becoming loose and saggy.

Typical folds in the driver's seat. Such folds are not a defect, but a natural characteristic of the leather.

Over time, the weight of the driver and the continuous load will cause the fibre structure to expand, resulting in indentations and over-stretching. To a certain extent this is part of the nature of leather. Should this cause too much concern, consult a local Upholsterer or Trimmer. If the leather is too over-stretched, it must be replaced. The problem can sometimes be solved just by upholstery work. A rather risky and difficult method involves shrinking the leather by wetting it with very hot water and using a heat gun. The effect is stronger because of the moisture but be aware that there is a severe risk of damaging the surface entirely. Any resulting damage is irreparable.

How To Fix Deformed Leather Bag Cover

Typical over-stretched and sagging leather in the driver's seat. These creases develop only after extensive use. Only a Trimmer can help.

By adding moisture with water and the use of heat, these wrinkles in a Porsche Cayenne were removed (ledercenter.si).

A fold in new leather. Not perfect but within the tolerance (but not for the suppliers of the manufacturer of the vehicle...).

-> - Dents and creases removement

Ruffled leather

Designers sometimes intentionally design leather with wrinkles. Such a design is called ruffled leather.

So called ruffled leather. The folds are part of the design.

Pressure points in the leather

Due to incorrect storage of heavy objects on leathers, pressure marks can become visible. Depending on the weight and duration of the load, these can be removed relatively easily.

Typical pressure marks in the leather.

-> How to remove pressure points on car leather

Crumpled leather clothing

Sometimes leather clothing is very wrinkled and creased when unpacked from the travel bag or by incorrect storage. It is often sufficient to heat the folds with a hair dryer and to flatten the area using your hands. Hang the clothing for a little while to get rid of minor wrinkles. If this is not enough, you can also iron the leather. Not too hot, not with steam and never iron damp leather! Put a cloth or a coated baking paper (with the coating to the leather side!) onto the leather surface while ironing. With baking paper, you can easily detect how smooth the leather is.
Extreme cases should be washed and dried according to basic washing instructions. This should definitely make the wrinkles disappear.
The folds, which become visible in hidden areas of sleeves or trouser legs, are usually not removable.

'Crumpled look' - A desired effect on this leather jacket.

How To Fix Deformed Leather Bag Bags

A video about pressure marks in leather

A video about how to treat pressure marks in leather.

Additional information

How To Fix Deformed Leather Bag Case

-> How to remove pressure points on leather